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CHEC Junior High
Onyx Class - Three Day - Monday, Tuesday & Thursday
​FULL - Registration Closed

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 CHEC Junior High Three Day program is for our 7th-8th graders. 8th graders may choose to be in our High School program or our Junior High program. Our three day program meets Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays 9am-3pm at CHEC Academy and virtuall Wednesdays from 9am-12pm. Students wear their assigned class t-shirt Monday and Tuesdays and Thursdays their professional school uniform by Flynn O'Hara. Our program offers students Prealgebra, Junior High English, Science, History,  and electives in addition to outside recreation and social time. 

In the morning students take their core classes. On Mondays Prealgebra and English and Tuesdays and Thursdays their Science and History classes. A biblically based Science class, with experiments, and biblically based History with a literature component. Students may have approximately 2 hours of homework per class each week. Students meet virtually on Wednesdays for an additional hour of math and english. In addition, students select their electives from the selection offered each semester in the Fine Arts, STEM  or Liberal Arts fields and attend in the afternoons. Note all electives below may not be offered each year and vary/rotate year to year. Their lunch and recess periods provide them with the opportunity to socialize outside and exercise on our field.

Our JH follows the 32 week CHEC calendar designed for students to have opportunities to explore, learn, and grow, in a school like setting while allowing ample time to meet personal homeschool goals.  

Monday Classes

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Elayn Martin-Gay’s student-centric approach is woven seamlessly throughout her texts and MyMathLab for School courses, giving students the optimal amount of support through effective video resources, an accessible writing style, and study skills support built into the program.

Students attend in person class on Mondays, and virtual class with their same math teacher on Wednesday morning. Virtual office hour also available for extra student support during the week.

Curriculum: Martin-Gay Prealgebra, MyMathLab, Prealgebra Video Organizer

Junior High English


Learning Latin is a great way to study grammar once a student has the basics of English grammar down.  This portion of their Junior High English class will also prepare them for taking their high school foreign languages.  

Curriculum: Latin - Getting Started with Latin, IEW - Modern World History-Based Writing Lesson

Students attend in person class on Mondays, and virtual class with their same math teacher on Wednesday mornings. Virtual office hour also available for extra student support during the week.

Happy Student

Study Hall

A proctored study hall gives students a chance to complete some of their CHEC homework or out of CHEC work during their school time in order to allow more time after school for extracurriculars and sports. At this age, students tend to prefer working independently alongside their peers and are motivated to complete more work in less time. 

Tuesday & Thursday Classes

Core Classes



JH students prepare for their required high school sciences by participating in 4-5 unit studies each year diving deep into specific science topics using a biblically based curriculum taught by a former middle school science teacher with over 15 years of classroom experience experience. They participate in an annual science fair and at least 15 experiments a year. They enter our HS program well prepared for a high school level science class. 



While history does not appear on most college entrance exams, it develops wisdom and virtue. Junior High Students take a twice weekly history class covering a full Biblically based curriculum. There is 1.5-2 hours of mandatory homework for this class. Students will go in depth as they discuss, engage, and create together.  

Fine Arts Classes


L.I.F.E in Theatre

Learning Intentional Fun Exercises

Theater has been a part of the education process for thousands of years.  Participation in theater improves self esteem, teaches empathy and teamwork, increases academic motivation and performance and above all gives the students the chance to fail, get back up and try again in a safe environment. Our junior high students learn, study and perform in a full musical play in the spring session. They will learn all aspects of theater from sound, lighting, costuming, set design and more. 



A study done on Florida students that took in-school arts classes and/or private arts classes throughout their school career showed significantly higher scores on their college placement tests in the verbal and and increased scores on their math. Hundreds, if not thousands, of years of evidence support the link between participating in arts programs and higher academic achievement, deeper appreciation of life, greater capacity to empathize and problem solving abilities. Elementary students take an art class each week .

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Sport Skills

Remember the good old days in PE where you learned different sports throughout the year? We have designed our sports program on Mondays to model old school PE classes. Students may play kickball, volleyball, flag football, jump rope, dance, martial arts, obstacle courses, archery and more. 

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Junior High students learn to play the ukulele together while also studying music theory and classical composers. They have the opportunity to perform their newly learned songs at either the Christmas production or the end of the year production.

STEM Classes

Flying a Drone


 In their STEM pillar of learning, JH students are introduced to drones and the world of drone piloting. The will hear about drone careers, learn the basics and discover how they can use drones in their personal or professional lives.



CHEC loves Chess! Whereas most schools with a chess program don't begin until 2nd or 3rd grade, we begin in kindergarten. Children are taught the history, basics and how to play a game without errors and as they improve, they are instructed on strategy. A pastime at CHEC, you will see CHEC kids playing chess together at meetups, parks, and other unusual places.  Since the whole school learns how to play together there's never a shortage of other people to play with at any CHEC event. 



LEGO® Education Robotics introduce children to science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) through fun, exciting hands-on learning. Students gain real-world problem solving experience through a guided program.

Math Formulas

Math Olympiads

CHEC Junior High students participate in Math Olympiads, an international program created in 1977 with nearly 170,000 students around the world participating annually. We strive to provide students experiences that are most valuable to their education in a group setting. While parents of CHEC students are responsible for their student’s core math education, CHEC’s Math Olympiads club teaches major strategies for problem solving, develops mathematical flexibility, strengthens mathematical intuitions, and prepares them for test taking strategies they can utilize on the ACT and SAT. 

Liberal Arts Classes

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Constructing an argument is an art. Mock trials, debates, arguments and more. Students love this class and learn the art of debate. 

Writing with Pen


Studying and teaching everyday writing that pertains to our junior high students is vital to helping them develop in today's world. They will learn writing etiquette, how to present oneself and privacy options across media platforms such as email, text and social media. As these students prepare for the world of online classes whether it be their HS language classes at FLVS or their dual enrollment classes they will learn how to communicate with teachers/professors for effectively navigating through the online world of classes.


Public Speaking

Public speaking skills are taught in a fun, engaging class based on Toastmasters’ basics, which is a speaking program that has developed leaders in over 100 countries for almost a century.  In the logic stage of the trivium, kids love to argue and debate. This class provides them with structured teaching on this process.



One semester students will spend studying Latin, history of the language, root words, prefixes, suffixes, commonly used Latin words and what careers still use Latin. 


Physical Education

Knowing that physical activity has a positive influence on concentration, academic performance, and classroom behavior, we strive to provide an environment that supports the relationship of physical activity to cognitive development. P.E. includes unstructured free play as well as organized games and sports instruction.

Cycle A (2024-2025)


Science -  Various unit studies

Literature - In their History curriculum they will study 4 literature books

History - Ancient history with 2 hours of homework a week assigned to complete a full curriculum. 


Math - Parents choose a complete math curriculum at home (Pre-Algebra recommended by 7th or 8th grade)

Language Arts - Parents choose their own complete Language Arts curriculum at home. 

SAT/ACT test prep - Starting in 8th grade students should be using a test prep program such as College Prep Genius


Cycle B


Science - Various unit studies

Literature - In their History curriculum they will study 4 literature books that correlate with their history studies.  

History- Medieval with 2 hours of homework a week assigned to complete a full biblically based curriculum. 


Math - Parents choose and use a full math curriculum at home (Pre-Algebra recommended by 7th or 8th grade)

Language Arts - Parents choose and use a full language arts curriculum at home

SAT/ACT test prep - Starting in 8th grade students should be using a test prep program such as College Prep Genius

Cycle C


Science - Various unit studies

Literature - In their History curriculum they will study 4 literature books

History -  Early Modern with 2 hours of homework a week assigned to complete a full biblically based curriculum 


Math - Parents choose and use a full math curriculum at home (Pre-Algebra  recommended by 7th or 8th grade)

Language Arts - Parents choose and use a full language arts curriculum at home

SAT/ACT test prep - Starting in 8th grade students should be using a test prep program such as College Prep Genius

Cycle D


Science - Various unit studies

Literature - In their History curriculum they will study 4 literature books

History -  Modern with 2 hours of homework a week assigned to complete a full biblically based curriculum. 


Math - Parents choose and use a full math curriculum at home (Pre-Algebra recommended by 7th or 8th grade)

Language Arts - Parents choose and use a full language arts curriculum at home

SAT/ACT test prep - Starting in 8th grade students should be using a test prep program such as College Prep Genius

CHEC Yearly Cycles

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